Sunday, September 27, 2015

Attracting youth in to agriculture:-Sustainable way to food security and improving agriculture

Attracting youth in to agriculture:-Sustainable way to food security and improving agriculture

Bibhu Prasad Mohanty
State Head - Odisha
Indian Society Of Agribusiness Professionals

In 2003, while addressing a state level seminar I raised concern over retaining and engaging youth in agriculture. Some of the very highly talented learned audiences raised several concerns and supported me equivocally. I remember in 'Prison Diary' of Sri Aurobindo, the great philosopher, poet and political seer of India, in 1905, wrote about collaboration between educated youth along with unlettered peasantry community in agriculture and allied activities for peace and prosperity of this country. My mother, who is no more now, explained me this when I was 8yrs old. Again the same has been echoed in 2006 by my Guru Prof. Dr. M.S.Swaminathan , the chief architect of Green Revolution in India (CONSULTATION ON ATTRACTING AND RETAINING YOUTH IN FARMING HELD ON 28 TH MAY, 2006 at New Delhi – SUMMING-UP BY PROF M.S. SWAMINATHAN, CHAIRMAN, NCF).

Since my prime youth my personal effort remained to attract youth to make agriculture a main stream activities. As I was from a joint family without much land property which was lacking capital always got into serving different organisations for the livelihood. I have seen the days , even today, a man employed in an organisation (NGO/Corporate/Govt) is much dignified than a farmer with heavy land property and good production systems, even with good income than a doctor and engineer or MBA educated person. That might be the reason why may parents also wanted me to be employed some where and live a life of dignity. Although I do not have any landed property , fortunately I have friends those have landed property and consult me in their agriculture activities. I believe clarity on low cost drudgery free appropriate technology, good knowledge and understanding about climate, agri-inputs, application of appropriate genetic science & seed technologies, knowledge of labour dynamics, financial support system along with risks and insurance etc can make a person very comfortable in agriculture. Agriculture professionals are not in farming for so many reasons. They have got academic knowledge which are required to become big officers who can only talk about agriculture but can not put their sweat into it. They are mostly seating in A/C rooms and seldom get into active agriculture.

Present market is conducive to attract youth into agriculture
When I see the price of beans in village to city market is Rs.80/- per kg and steel kg is fluctuating from Rs.50/- to 60/- it raises so many questions and feelings in my mind. Therefore this is a time I feel when educated youth must come up to get into agriculture and allied activities. One of my close friends Mr. Biraja Mohapatra a thinker and dreamer of same fraternity I belong to always consoles me whenever I get upset over the fact of youth leaving agriculture. He says very soon people will realise your concern.

I think the time has come people must have realised. It has come to notice that every day at least 2000 youth are leaving agriculture across the globe. Youth leaving agriculture is a world wide phenomenon. 65% of total investment of nations in this world goes to war and defence sector. That is the reason why entire world has been war mood and competitions. World consciousness itself is not ready to go for peace and prosperity . Therefore in allover the world people witness so many turmoils and differences or uproars in respective parliaments and borders. People speak about peace while connect with religion. People talk about peace and prosperity and attract towards power & sex. People speak on great future and attract youngsters into extremism.

The Challenges
Unfortunately our bureaucracy is yet to understand that they are educated mass who are trained to think and act differently , systematically and sincerely. Many of them are owners of poor attitude , narrowness, selfish interest and silly minds. These negative resources are so heavy that their consciousness always drag their life to shrink into conflicts and confusions. It is a fact that eventually their identity get into oblivion. They can not make the greater interests achieved because they have no capacity to carry the force with them. They are burdens and parasites who are born to play their role to make the things delayed and prolong the time of achievement so that the perfection can carry more detail experiences and long term effects.

Present conditions of lethargic bureaucracy, attitude, mindset, physical status, financial complexities, knowledge confusions, market conflicts , political turmoils, immature shortsighted leaderships, rampant corruption, slow judiciary system, confused education policy, so many unrest in public youngsters are grown into an environment when they themselves search for directions. They find themselves in a poor state of affairs and society demands morality , obedience and loyalty towards law. religion, cult , family and community etc. Youth is already a group of people those who have no peace of mind and trying to run and only run without even knowing their direction.

Present complex banking and insurance in agriculture and allied activities are going very tough and stringent. People in these two areas are mostly very clever and wish quick money back. But agriculture and agribusiness are not matching the expectation of so called financial institutions. Quick return of the loan is not possible in case of agriculture sector. But banks usually create pressure for quick recovery of advances. That is the major reason of increasing cases of suicide in India. Purposefully and strategically these two financial support institutions keep distance from agriculture and their information on the schemes are very weak and processes of financing and insurance are very complex. Therefore moneyed people and big farmers take the benefit under several policy nexus.

Our education policy is trying o focus on creating specialists who have low sensibility with high focus on mechanical life style and become money making machines. After certain time they also realise that their effort of making money is too limited. They are trained to make limited money through out their life. Also they are restricted to certain thought process that always make them afraid of loss and uncertainty. They become habitual to certain life style which put them into a status that never never allows them to think beyond. Illusion of making money, living in all luxuries are mostly considered as great and higher life . They never get the opportunity taste the abundant contribution of nature, its vastness in length and height. They remain dissatisfied till their end. They suffer from jealousy, competition, greed, anger, vanity, fear and so many negative emotions. Indian Subcontinent has been preaching ' Sa Vidya Ya Bimuktaye '.It says, that is knowledge what liberates a person from all the negative emotions and thoughts. Liberation from negativity is the only aim that ensures joy. Agriculture is told a way of 'tapasya', penance to gain salvation, by great political philosopher none other than Chanakya. Today there has been demand for skilled people. Education has been into skill development only which changes as the condition and technology change. There has been very rare effort on liberation of mind and heart from confusion, conflicts, negative feelings which would make a person calm and real ready container to become highly wise and proficiently skilled to meet the daily requirements with future prospects.

Suggestions and Solutions
Therefore it is a call fr youth to get into scientific agriculture and allied activities without affecting nature and life, which will make future people to live with peace and prosperity. Agriculture, agribusiness, food processing, fishery, poultry, diary , animal husbandry, renewable energy , biomass energy and waste management are the areas of vocations of great prospects.

Role of Govt and NGOs
Govt has to become sure of its drive towards agri based activities in the country. Investments should be on future young people which is missing in all over the world. As a democratic nation we must have to make democracy a culture . Agriculture is the only vocation in Indian subcontinent which has all the possibilities to bring real and effective democracy into effect. There should be systematic well orchestrated projects and programs for youth to be in agriculture. Our youth are now educated and they are mostly not trained on agriculture. They are exposed to labour intensive agriculture. They have very less idea about small machines tools and technologies which can make agriculture very easier and profitable. Thus they can live a comfortable and maintain lavish life style like urban employed people.

Role of banking and Insurance sector
To bring youth into agriculture there is a need to understand the requirement of finance and insurance in scientific and systematic manner. No universal formula and superficial observation can solve the financial issues in agriculture sector. Officers in banking and insurance sector those who are involved in financing farm families should also act as advisors to their customers and suggest right methods, provide appropriate suggestions on reducing labour and introducing low cost machines and tools so that farmers can benefit from agriculture. Banks should also engage social workers, sociologists and psychologists to counsel farmers on right adaption and exposures on machines, tools, technologies those can help them in enhancing the crop yield and marketing of those.

Introducing and upgrading right technologies
Today the education system has very weak input on agriculture and various food processing activities . This is one of the important reasons Indian agriculture is suffering . To make it interesting low labor intensive, farmer friendly and profitable, there is a need to popularise agriculture in a modern way. Following approaches can definitely make a great change.
  1. Awareness to homestead nutri gardens (farms), backyard poultry with high egg yielding breeds, dairy and fish ponds be initiated; the relevant emphasis should be on nutrient dense vegetables like the green leafy vegetables, beans etc. and fruits rich in vitamin C and beta carotene. To ensure such nutri produce with safe & high yield varieties, provisions for good quality seeds be made and planting material (saplings), organic methods like Vermi compost, organic pesticides and water harvesting/ water saving methods need to be introduced.
  2. Introducing machines
  • Transplanters manual and power operated,
  • Work place for tractors and self propelled equipment ,
  • Chaff cutter, drudgery free tools and equipments and methods
  • Devices for load carrying Improved tools and equipment available for following operations need to be promoted on a large scale Seeding (Maize dibblers, Direct rice seeders),Transplanting of rice (Rice transplanter),Weeding in uplands (Wheel hoes, long handled weeders) Weeding in wetlands (Cono weeder),Harvesting of Wheat and rice (Improved sickle),Maize dehusking and shelling (maize shellers, maize dehusker shellers) Grain cleaning (hand winnowers, Hanging type grain cleaner, pedal cum power operated grain cleaner),Groundnut decortication (sitting type groundnut decorticator),Threshing of paddy (pedal operated paddy thresher, power operated hold on type paddy thresher).Demonstration of ergonomically improved tools and equipment.
  1. Awareness to create local grain and processed or semi processed storage facilities
  2. Managing the waste of foodstuff, grains, dairy products etc
  3. Value addition in processed food
  4. Awareness on safety measures in farm field. Skill development about operating farm equipments .
  5. Safety awareness programs on tractors and other agricultural machines.
  6. Training programs with demonstrations of women friendly and youth attrctng tools and equipment.
  7. Fundamentals of packaging -covering following topics
    • Importance of Packaging, History of Package Development, Packaging materials, Paper, jute bag,plastic bags, glass containers etc .
    • Characteristics of basic packaging materials: Paper (paper board, corrugated paper, fiber board), Glass, Metal, Plastics, Foils and laminates, retort pouches, Package forms,
    • Legal requirements of packaging materials and product information in relation to dairy products and delicate food stuffs.
    • Packaging of milk and dairy products such as pasteurized milk, UHT-sterilized milk, aseptic packaging, fat rich products-ghee and butter, coagulated and desiccated indigenous dairy products and their sweet meades, concentrated and dried milks including baby foods. Modern Packaging Techniques; Vacuum Packaging, Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP),
    • Eco-friendly packaging, Principles and methods of package sterilization, Coding and Labelling of Food packages, Aseptic Packaging (AP), Scope of AP and pre-requisite conditions for AP
    • Description of equipments (including aseptic tank) and machines- Micro-processor controlled systems employed for AP, Package conditions and quality assurance aspects of AP, Microbiological aspects of packaging materials. Disposal of waste package materials, Packaging Systems.
  1. Safety gadgets
  • for chaff cutters and sugarcane crushers
  • Safety cover for pedal operated paddy thresher
  • use of Gumboots, gloves ,caps etc
  • Belt and chain type conveyor feeding system for high capacity thresher
  • A tractor trailer with brakes and other safety features
  • Lighting system with turning indicators for tractor trailers
  • A safety cover for well/ tube well
  • Safety measures to be taken in handling insecticides and pesticides and related machines and equipments. Demonstration of spraying safety kits (face mask, eye goggles, aprons, field caps, hand gloves and gum boot) to farmers to get feed back and reducing exposure to chemicals.
  1. Design and operational parameters, performance evaluation and maintenance aspects of different renewable technologies like gasifiers, biogas plants, solar passive heating devices, photovoltaic cells and arrays, briquetting machines and balers; bio-diesel utilization in CI engines.
  2. Switching over to horticultural production, profit, meeting market demand,supply and networking
  3. Orchid for food, for ornamental and decoration purpose and their industrial supply
  4. Fish production, market, supply, storage, networking
  5. Lac production and making farmers rich through meeting industrial need
  6. Forestry based profitable projects and market linkage of rawand processed stuff
  7. Market behaviour and accounting
  8. Understanding demands and managing the supplies to market
  9. Using ICT, Gyan Chaupal, Village Knowledge centre exclusively for youth
  10. Gender behaviour on equipment and tools (usually men feel women can not manage modern equipments, machines and processes)
  11. Encouraging learning and teaching through and of ICT use of mobile phones, Internet, use of vernacular language in ICT and soon.

These efforts must be brought in well planned schemes and projects at grassrots level. Let them feel elevated and confident. Their low feelings or comparative feeling with urban educated mass must be removed. They should also feel elevated and liberated .

Friday, May 8, 2015

Design Description, Analysis and Calculation of Micro Hot Point Improved Biomass Stove of Sai Grameen Udyog Faridabad, Hayana

Design Description, Analysis and Calculation of Micro Hot Point Improved Biomass Stove
Sai Grameen Udyog
Faridabad, Haryana
Bibhu Prasad Mohanty
Good Will Promoter Of  Micro Hot Point Improved Biomass Stove

Design Description
The Micro Hot Point Improved Biomass Stove generally consists of a combustion chamber, a top section and a base. The hearth of the combustion chamber is made of perforated stainless steel plate , the outside of which encased in a mild steel casing. The grate or fuel bed is at the base of the combustion chamber. The base of the stove consists of a door for loading fuel wood into the combustion chamber, and few whole in the base which serve as combustion air inlets to the chamber. A drawer is incorporated at the base to facilitate the removal of ash which would have collected at the tray. The top of the stove consists of the pot seat, designed to accomodate any type heating utensils. The pot seat is designed such that the pot sinks to a depth below the top- most level of the stove. The stainless sttel ring selected for use is such that has the internal diameter equal to or closest to the external diameter of the cooking pot, thus ensuring that there is little or no clearance for pass above the pot seat. The diameter of the combustion chamber is such that it is smaller than the pot seat or the external diameter of the smallest pot that can be utilized on the stove. This is to ensure that the maximum amount of heat is transferred to the base of the pot . The distance between the fuel bed and the pot seat is also selected to allow for enough time for the complete combustion of the burning fuel particles before it strikes the base of the pot mounted on the pot seat.

Combustion Air Requirement
Following Ramakrishna (1992), a typical fuel wood has the following ultimate analysis by mass as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Mass analysis of a typical fuel wood.

The combustion analysis based on the above mass composition gives a stoichiometric Air/Fuel ratio, A/F= 4.6107 kg air/kg fuel. For an actual air supply which is 20% in excess of stoichiometry, actual air/fuel ratio, A/Factual= 5.53284 kg air/kg fuel.

Key Features of Micro Hot Point Improved Biomass Stove : Single burner Height 12 inches Stainless Steel Combustion Chamber Bakelite handles Durable steel construction No moving parts Light weight (4kg) Removes need to blow on fire

Performance Parameters:
  1. Thermal Efficiency 25.4%
  2. CO/CO2 Ratio 0.02
  3. Output Thermal Wattage 1.2kW
  4. Burning Capacity 0.8-1.1 kg/hr.
  5. Average Product Lifespan: 5 years.

Discussion of Results of different tests

The results as per the test protocols of IIT, New Delhi show that the biomass stove has a maximum thermal efficiency of 25.4% and power delivery of 1.4kW, but a minimum specific fuel consumption of 0.492. This indicates a better performance when compared to the average thermal efficiency value of 17.9% for traditional mud stove as reported by George (1997), or the Kilakala stove which has a fuel saving capacity of 30% (Crewe 1990, Otiti 1991). The performance is also better when compared to the Improved Vented Mud stove (IVM) which has the average thermal efficiency values across fuels that varies from 10% to 23% which is comparable with the range of 10.8% to 19.6% reported by Pal and Joshi (1989). Furthermore, the thermal efficiency of the wood stove is not higher when compared to the thermal efficiencies of petroleum based fuel stoves such as the LPG stove, the kerosene wick stove, and the kerosene pressure stove with thermal efficiencies of 53.6%, 50% and 47%, respectively (TERI 1987).

Enahnced Performance:-The enhanced performance can be attributed to a number of factors. The first is the insulation provided round the combustion chamber. This minimizes the rate of heat loss across the wall of the combustion chamber by conduction and radiation,and ensures that a good proportion of heat is conserved within the chamber and directed towards the top of the chamber. The second is the smoke rings provided which eliminate the horizontal clearance between the pot and the pothole. This minimizes heat loss by radiation through the annulus between the pot and the pothole. The third factor is the design of the pot seat and the position of the flue gas exit port This ensures that the base of the pot sinks to a depth inside the pothole such that there is no vertical clearance between the pot base and the top of the stove, and that there is longer interaction between the flame and the pot base, bringing about maximum heat transfer to the pot, before the flue gases exit into the chimney. There is also the factor of availability of sufficient air that ensures the complete combustion of the fuel wood. On smokiness, it was observed that virtually all the flue gases was conveyed out of the test area through the chimney. The very small quantity of smoke noticed might have escaped as a result of construction inaccuracy in the roundness of the smoke rings leaving a very small gap between the pot and the ring. The escaping smoke, however, quickly diffuses into the air, causing insignificant fouling and irritation effects. It would be seen that the modifications made in providing insulation around the combustion chamber and sizable air inlet from base to admit adequate quantity of air for combustion, incorporating smoke rings to seal the annulus between the stainless steel pot and the pothole, and redesigning the configuration of the pot seat and the position of the flue gas exit port, have served to increase the thermal efficiency and therefore the percentage heat utilization of the stove. There has also been a drastic reduction in the smokiness of the stove, making it to be more user-friendly in health, comfort and convenience. Further modifications focused at redesigning the pot seat vis-à-vis the flue gas exit port in such a way that will minimize heat loss by radiation and convection, and ensure maximum heat transfer to the base of the pot can be pursued in future

How to operate it:- Fill the fuel wood entrance with dry wood. Then fill the inner cavity of the chula from the top with dry small twigs, dry leaves and fire those from top. There is no need of ferosene at all. Within 2 minutes chula will be ready for cooking. It has very less smoke, saving of at least 65% fuel. That takes care of household indoor atmosphere. Small kitchens of rural houses remain free from fumes and congesting carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and other harmful smokes. Fuel wood smoke from kitchen in rural households is a major reason of bad health of women and children both. It is observed that the smoke of fuel wood is equivalent to 70-150 cigarettes per day.

Advantages of Micro Hotpoint Improved Biomass Smart cook stove as compared to traditional mud stove/ three stone fires:
Less Fuel:
  1. 70% less consumption of fuel
  2. Reduces drudgery of women collecting fuel wood
  3. Reduced deforestation due to less consumption of fuel wood
  4. Reduces dependency on plant fuel wood

Less Smoke:
  1. 65% reduction in smoke (particulate matter)
  2. Beneficial in terms of reduced Indoor Air Pollution (IAP) and healthier environment for women and children
  3. Reduces global warming due to reduction of black carbon and other warming agents
  4. Very less blackening of cooking pots and kitchen walls due to negligible cabon shooting

Less Cooking Time:
  1. Reduces the cooking time by approximately half
  2. Less exposure of women to kitchen smoke so people around cooking place do not feel fatigue due to smoke
  3. More time for economic/ recreational activities

Local Fuel:
  1. Locally available solid biomass used as fuel. Mostly dry twigs, dry leaves, dry cowdung cake, dry other animal dungs, crop wastes, tree wastes, after use wastes from biomasses.
  2. The fuel required does not demand the establishment of separate fuel supply chains and facilitates local biomasses insignficant for fuel purpose
  3. Timely and easy availability of cooking fuel around the household area. Thus it improves the autonomy of woman over kitchen.

Environmental benefits
This Smart stove meets the several Indian standards for efficiency and emissions. Testing and user feedback suggest that the Smart stove wood and neglected fuel biomas uses from an average of 1.1 kg per hour , thus saving 2.1 tonnes/year per household. There is huge pressure on wood resources in the India . Indian Ministry of Energy and Fuel estimates that 73% of wood comes from deforestation (non-renewable sources).Each stove reduces the equivalent of between 1.5 tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually. Reduces Carbon Monoxide, other harmful emissions and indoor air pollution level helps to manage their health of women living in rural area,

Monday, April 6, 2015


World is waiting to see the movements of human mind in the journey of its life objective to establish divinity in world. Each area of innovations and application of innovation has its importance and relevance. But each time it tries to replicate one model for a long time without prioritising the relevancy. So the world very often face failure.