Sunday, December 18, 2016

Lord Sri Jagannath: Centre of All the Livelihood activities in Odisha

Lord Sri Jagannath: Centre of All the Livelihood activities in Odisha

Intellectuals and Bhaktas of Lord Sri Jagannath say all the philosophies and religions are merged and lost their identity as the river loose its identity when meets the sea. I know one thing, He is quite huge and beyond my imagination. His magics are too great. But the science and technologies used in managing the day to day affairs of deities in different seasons are truly very interesting and very disciplined. Food prepared here follow certain protocols and some even follow particular seasons. All the flowers used with deities are having tremendous medicinal properties those cure very difficult ailments like magic. Lord Sri Jagannath isknown as the Great Aswini, Aswini Kumars , Divine twins are deities of healing in Hindu systems. But he is beyond them. Sometime He uses, medicines, in some cases herbs, sometime Mantras, sometime counseling,sometime exercises, sometime magic and so on to heal the sufferer. He knows how, when, what to be used. Amazing ! But each process and discipline is having great importance in system of healing.

54 types of dishes are used here as 'Prasada'. The raw materials are from several places from India and dishes are sometime very cheap and some time those are very costly. But the processing of those are extremely disciplined and scientific which require particular system of cooking and methods of arrangement. Aesthetically those are very beautiful. The aroma of each 'Prasad' increases the appetite. Most interestingly the food prepared here are very hygienic and very healthy. Even if some one takes beyond his regular in take quantity, nothing wrong happens. If a sick one takes it also there will be no digestive problems. What great science is there ! Similarly there is a magical effect of 22 stairs of Sri Jagannath Temple. People visiting the temple get good relaxation when they climb it. Many of the Bhaktas found their knee pain, gastritis, joint pains disappeared after visiting the temple. Because climbing the stairs with cool and devoted mind & heart for a month will definitely relax the muscles. There will be definite changes in a sick persons if he/she visits the temple for a month.
Similarly the materials used for colouring the deities,their clothes in different occasions are natural. Different vegetable colours , stones are used for this purpose. Those are healthy and having no reaction with human or animals. Use of those in textile house colouring, wood carpentry or metals, earthen pots etc are unique in nature. Those are found to be very effective and commercially viable when used in art and craft. Whatever art & craft used for Sri Jagannath's rituals and rites those look very simple and symbolic. But those bear logical and scientific tempers and spirit. Those have all the signs of sustainable development of people and species. Therefore He is treated as People's Deity. I request all the researchers those who are working in development sphere to study the rituals and rites in scientific terms. Some have great philosophies, some have anthropological significance, But many involve science and technologies those touch all the aspects of human progress.