Monday, January 23, 2017

Dealing Difficult Leaders

Dealing difficult leaders

People say, 'It is easy to work with machines and animals but not with men'. Actually they are the people who imagine men as machines who will not question their decisions and just follow the orders. This attitude in people in leading positions or families or members of team with power of twisting the decisions create confusions and ultimate conflicts in the team or family. IGNORE THEM and THEIR WORDS. That is the best way of making yourself free from the emotional tortures you suffer from the conflict. Neither you appreciate them nor oppose them in the process. Always be informative and rational without any emotional attachment to organisation, family and group or relationship. Never show your anger or internal sufferings in the events. They do not deserve those. They are the people those who have no responsiveness towards human emotions. Because many have acted with them in such manners that the mental and emotional faculties of responsiveness either died or defunct in them. They can never have same realisation and rational what you have. Therefore never waste time and labour in changing them . These type of leaders have got a fantastic quality too. They are very much focused to achieve the target. They too achieve countable targets. Their achievements are very much visible and measurable. Therefore they earn more praise and recognition than others. That is the way capacity, achievements, targets etc are measured across the world. There is no organisation they give importance on how muh joy and human values are earned while working. No body tries to measure what smoothness and harmony was expressed while someone is leading the work. Value system is totally ignored in HR system across the globe. Even those leaders also suffer a lot of agony. But they do not understand and find the origin of those disturbing and imbalancing factors in their life. They mostly hide those or pretend undisturbed.
Being a coach and motivator, I very often met with such people those who have very painful childhood or disturbed inhuman nurturing or guidance. Be careful of dealing with them or help them. Rather you must improve yourself while dealing such people. Occasions and events will definitely make you wise and mature in this direction. But you have to remain conscious and calm.

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